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in the Now.

Go digital with a bang.

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New situation,

new solutions

Flamacon is a digital agency focusing on digital transformation and virtual storytelling.

Together with a strong pool of partners, we help you get ahead in a fast, digital age and be prepared for the future.


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3D Rooms

Our Pillars

Flamacon VCX: Daymark 3D
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Virtual Scenarios

Virtual Content Experience (VCX) is the brand name for our virtual scenarios, for which we create spaces that are either photographed on site or produced digitally. This provides context in which any kind of content can be presented comprehensively.

See product page

Virtual Events (Streamboxy)

Our new event & conference tool is the perfect custom platform for clearly structured, virtual events. Multiple levels and agenda items can even take place in parallel. Multimedia, as well as our VCX presentations, integrate seamlessly.

Flamacon VCX: iPad Promo
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Consulting, Coaching & Web Development

We support you in integrating sophisticated digital and virtual processes and help you avoid non-sustainable quick fixes. In many industries, intelligent solutions are now required that need to deliver immediately – as much as later.

“Trade shows and congresses will adapt their formats for post-pandemic times. Now is the time to look into more flexible, more digital ways of presenting your company.”

Marco Flammang
Managing Partner, Flamacon

We offer powerful service packages

Our extensive product range is tailored precisely to your needs. We accompany you in a swift, sustainable digital transformation and offer solutions that help you tackle the challenges we face today – and those that follow.

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Flamacon VCX: Feature Messe

Virtual product and brand presentations

Virtual events, conferences and workshops

Hybrid industry events and distributor fairs

Pre-sale: concepts and campaigns

Presentation of complex digital content, onboarding and sales

Fair pricing and cost control